To provide integrated solutions for the evaluation of products and materials, which impact the safety, health and well-being of people.

To be an integrator of solutions for conformity, safety and effectiveness assessment of products and materials involving customers, suppliers and conformity assessment bodies.

Commitment: to accomplish what it has set out to do and what it has been asked to do, always aligning expectations.
Ethics: set of rules that allow good coexistence and that are of a valuative and moral order.
Credibility: that which we can trust, firmly believe in our abilities, impartiality, and in those who surround us and share the same objective.
Innovative spirit: being creative, being willing to do always seeking a different look, an unprecedented approach. Having the courage to face difficult situations, recognizing the difficulties and finding rational ways to overcome them.
Resilience: the ability to deal with problems, be self-motivated, adapt to change, overcome obstacles, and resist the pressure of adverse situations.
Valuing People: making people feel stimulated to develop themselves. Respect, pay attention to, and consider the development and growth of talents.
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Certificação de Componentes Automotivos, Componentes para Motocicletas e Rodas Automotivas no Brasil
Certificación Componentes Automotrices, Componentes de Motocicletas y Ruedas Automotrices en Brasil
Certification of Automotive Components, Motorcycle Components and Automotive Wheels in Brazil
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