Inner and outer tie rods

The SCiTec Laboratory is accredited by CGCRE Inmetro for testing inner and outer tie rods used in automotive road vehicles.

The services are performed in accordance with Inmetro´s Ordinance 268/2013 and 247/2013, which relate to the requirements of ABNT NBR 16130. Testing involves material characterization, functionality and resistance.


  • Inmetro Ordinance No. 247/2013: Technical regulation for steering system components in motor vehicles.


  • ABNT NBR 16130: Road motor vehicles – Steering terminals, tie rods, link bars, and axial bar assemblies – Requirements and test methods applicable to vehicles in categories M and N, and categories G and O (when applicable).

Materials and products tests solutions

Laboratory accredited by Inmetro’s Cgcre

Mobility and Transportation

Health and Care

Energy and Efficiency

Water, Air, Soil

Food and Nutrition

Industry and Materials