Components for vehicles

Many of the testing projects carried out by the SCiTec laboratory are focused on specific components or subsystems, including transmissions, shock absorbers, gears, armchairs and seats, interior upholstery, suspension systems, steering systems, electric fuel pumps, lamps, bearings, and a wide variety of occupant protection systems.

We carry out structural tests that meet the standards or, if necessary, develop specific tests according to the needs of customers.

SCiTec performs static and fatigue tests on:

  • Door, window, and structural component;
  • Suspension systems;
  • Seating structures and mechanisms;
  • Retention structures and mechanisms;
  • Structures and components of motorcycles and bicycles;
  • Trailer clamping and coupling structures;
  • Side and anti-intrusion protection devices;
  • Most tests are performed using displacement or force control from hydraulic servo hydraulic-systems.

SCiTec also performs dynamic load tests, where high-speed servo valves are used to load systems and components at various amplitudes and frequencies.

Our team performs standardized procedures, however, to meet the individual needs of customers, also regularly provides assistance in all aspects of planning, decing and execution of special procedures for testing.

We also develop special machines to evaluate the durability of components and systems in accelerated conditions.

Materials and products tests solutions

Laboratory accredited by Inmetro’s Cgcre

Mobility and Transportation

Health and Care

Energy and Efficiency

Food and Nutrition

Industry and Materials