Composite materials

The incorporation of composite materials allows the manufacture of products and components of lower mass and with high strength, two fundamental parameters for improving competitiveness and differentiation in sectors such as aerospace, defense, automotive, naval and power generation.

As a result, industries use an increasing amount of compounds in their products.

The characterization of these materials allows evaluating the optimized configuration during the design phase and the choice of the most suitable manufacturing method for each application.

The SCiTec laboratory has a team with experience in composite materials and their applications.

Our tests include: 

  • Characterization and/or development of the qualification plan;
  • Sample production;
  • Static and dynamic tests;
  • Aging, thermal shock and thermal fatigue tests.

Our technical team performs tests according to standards (ABNT, EN, ISO, ASTM, among others), in addition to tests developed according to the requirements specified by the client for any type of application.

We can perform tests on:

  • Composite materials with polymer matrix;
  • Reinforced plastics;
  • Materials with sandwich structure;
  • Carbon fiber composites;
  • Fiberglass composites;

Our testing capabilities include:

  • Mechanical tests under different temperature and humidity conditions;
  • Tension;
  • Compression;
  • Bending;
  • Twist;
  • Combined loads;
  • Impact;
  • Fatigue (S&N curves);
  • Creep;
  • Fracture;
  • Vibration.

Materials and products tests solutions

Laboratory accredited by Inmetro’s Cgcre

Mobility and Transportation

Health and Care

Energy and Efficiency

Food and Nutrition

Industry and Materials