Brake components

SCiTec Laboratory conducts compliance tests on brake pads and brake linings for both light and heavy vehicles. The laboratory is equipped with the necessary infrastructure to perform a range of tests that are critical for ensuring vehicle safety.


  • ISO 6310: Road vehicles – Brake linings – Compressive strain test methods.
  • ISO 6312: Road vehicles – Brake linings – Shear strength verification between the lining and the metal backing for disc brake pads and drum brake shoes.
  • ABNT NBR 5505: Friction materials for brake linings of road vehicles, industrial vehicles, and similar – Verification of radius stability, dilation, and growth.
  • ABNT NBR 5537: Road motor vehicles – Brake linings – Shear strength verification between the lining and the metal backing for disc brake pads and drum brake shoes.
  • ABNT NBR 9301: Brake linings – Determination of compressibility (test method).
  • ABNT NBR ISO 6310: Road vehicles – Brake linings – Methods for testing compressive deformation.


  • Ordinance No. 17/2014: Technical quality regulation for friction materials used in road vehicle brakes.

Materials and products tests solutions

Laboratory accredited by Inmetro’s Cgcre

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Industry and Materials