Inmetro certification for automotive components

In Brazil, the conformity assessment for automotive components is mandatory, in other words, these components can only be imported, manufactured or sold with a certification. The National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro) exists to establish minimum quality requirements demanded by the market and local regulations with the objective of guarantee the security and performance of the products available for consumption.

About Inmetro

To achieve the Inmetro certification, the security and performance of the products have to be proved with tests and certification performed by the Conformity Assessment Organisms, public and private companies, accredited for certain services by the General Coordination for Accreditation of Inmetro (Cgcre). Proven that the project and manufacturing process met the established requirements, the product is authorized to use the Inmetro Conformity Identification Seal.

About the legal representation

The legal agent has to be settled in national territory. It has a fundamental part in the certification process, as it is responsible for responding technically, civilly and criminally for damages caused to third parties. In addition, the legal agent is responsible for the registration and authorization number for the use of the Conformity Identification Seal.

Why is the certification mandatory?

Only with Inmetro certification it is possible to manufacture, import or sell automotive components for aftermarket in national territory. Besides, the certification strengthens the brand image and their products in the market and proves the quality standard to the clients.
Some of the components that must be certified:

  • Suspension shock absorbers;
  • Electric fuel pumps for Otto and Diesel ecycle engines;
  • Horns or similar equipment used in automotive road vehicles;
  • Aluminum alloy pistons, pins and locking rings;
  • Piston rings;
  • Bearings;
  • Bulbs for automotive vehicles;
  • Friction materials for brakes;
  • Automotive steering system;
  • Automotive batteries;
  • Motorcycle transmission kits;
  • Automotive wheels.

How to certificate a product step by step

  • Choose a national entity to assume civil and legal responsibility for the process;
  • Choose SCiTec Laboratory (accredited by Cgcre) and an OCP to conduct the certification process;
  • Classify the products according to the criteria determined in a specific regulation.

About SCiTec Laboratory

With a deep scientific and technical knowledge and extensive experience in the automotive sector, SCiTec Laboratory is the right choice to support all the steps of the homologation and certification process. The laboratory is accredited by Inmetro Cgcre, under the number CRL 0495 and CRL 1485 (Click to see all the scopes

SCiTec Laboratory services include:

  • Analysis of regulatory requirements;
  • Tests for assessing production conformity;
  • Tests for compulsory certification;
  • Tests to meet specific requirements of the automakers;
  • Development of test procedures;
  • Development of equipment and special bench tests.