Shock absorbers

The SCiTec Laboratory is equipped to serve manufacturers seeking to certify and develop their products in accordance with the requirements of Inmetro Ordinance 145/2022. The company performs tests on various shock absorber models, such as those used in cars, motorcycles, buses, trucks, utility vehicles with loads of over 1.5 tons, among others.

The work includes durability tests with compound frequencies (with modular test benches for tests with track signals), temperature control, traction, spring seat resistance, rod approval, hydraulic lock verification, and static and fatigue tests.

In addition to standardized certification services, SCiTec’s technical staff is qualified to perform tests that meet the requirements established by the automakers or to develop special tests at the request of customers.


ABNT NBR 13308:2014 

Inmetro Ordinance N.º 145/2022

Materials and products tests solutions

Laboratory accredited by Inmetro’s Cgcre

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Industry and Materials