Fuel pumps

Aiming to meet Inmetro´s Ordinance 301, SCiTec laboratory offers a complete infrastructure to perform a series of tests to certify electric fuel pumps. Testing involves assessing performance, operation, resistance, durability and electrical characteristics.

As determined by Inmetro Ordinance 301, since 2013 it has been forbidden to manufacture and import fuel pumps that are not certified. In acknowledgment of the requirements from several brands, both national and international, and the increase in the demand for tests aimed at those certifications, SCiTec is now qualified and prepared to reliably certify the quality of those products which are or will be launched in the marketplace.


ABNT NBR 15754: Veículos rodoviários automotores – Bomba elétrica de combustível para motores do ciclo Otto – Requisitos técnicos

Materials and products tests solutions

Laboratory accredited by Inmetro’s Cgcre

Mobility and Transportation

Health and Care

Energy and Efficiency

Food and Nutrition

Industry and Materials