Technical assistance in regulations, standards and conformity assessment

To market products in national and international markets, companies need to overcome various technical and commercial obstacles. To this end, there is a need to understand the Technical Regulations, Standards and Conformity Assessment Procedure applicable to the market for the product.

In summary, conformity assessments aim to analyze every procedure used in product manufacturing. Such measures are intended to determine that the relevant requirements of technical regulations or standards are met. Technical regulations means documents approved by government agencies establishing the characteristics of a product or the processes and production methods related to them, including the applicable administrative provisions and the observance of which is mandatory. Unlike regulations, technical standards are approved by a recognized institution, providing, for common and repetitive use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for products or processes and related production methods, and whose observance is not mandatory.

Thus, it is found that both standards and technical regulations bring fundamental references for product development, defining characteristics that will be analyzed during the conformity assessment. In this case, all point to the technical characteristics that the products must meet to meet the criteria required for their certification.

However, depending on the market, it is known that there are requirements based on regulations and technical standards that are often not based on harmonised international standards. This implies the need for product certifications specific to these markets. In some countries, for example, only the marketing and import of products is permitted by means of a certificate of conformity issued by an independent body recognised by local authorities.

In order to assist in the development and certification of products, The SCiTec Laboratory carries out tests with the objective of allowing access to strategic markets to its customers. The experience with national and international standards and certifications emerge as a great differential, as they guarantee the ideal service for each company, according to desired objectives and requirements that will be provided during the conformity assessment.

The services performed by SCiTec include technical assistance in regulations and standards, multidisciplinary tests in the laboratory itself, as well as the development of new testing procedures, according to the needs of the client.

Materials and products tests solutions

Laboratory accredited by Inmetro’s Cgcre

Mobility and Transportation

Health and Care

Energy and Efficiency

Food and Nutrition

Industry and Materials