Failure analysis

Failure analysis laboratories provide analytical techniques and expertise to help clients rapidly understand and solve failure analysis problems.

Failure Analysis:

The diagnosis of the factors involved in a failure is an essential tool for understanding its causes and preventing future problems with other similar components or systems. Failure analysis improves the product’s quality as it serves as a basis for maintenance program implementation, partial or full system reengineering, or new production processes application. Furthermore, by analyzing the product or facility involved in the failure, we can identify any responsibilities in litigation.

Our solution:

SCiTec Laboratory is an independent entity that provides a failure analysis service for manufacturers and appraisal projects in litigation or legal claims.

We have a multidisciplinary team and  facilities for physical-chemical characterization and microscopic examination of the product involved.

Our failure analysis services include:

Full analysis of the product or facility involved in the failure:

  • Service history, design and calculations;
  • Analysis of the manufacturing, certification and assembly;
  • Analysis of the maintenance;

Analysis of the samples in a laboratory:

  • Physical-chemical characterization of materials;
  • Fractography (electron microscopy) and EDX microanalysis (elemental analysis of waste and contamination);
  • Reproduction of the failure conditions (laboratory simulation tests);

Failure report

Technical advice and process re-engineering.

Our testing capabilities include:

  • Material characterization testing (metal and polymeric materials);
  • Mechanical testing;
  • Coatings and paints testing;
  • Corrosion and accelerated aging testing;
  • Metallographic specimen preparation;
  • Microscopic examination of samples .

Materials and products tests solutions

Laboratory accredited by Inmetro’s Cgcre

Mobility and Transportation

Health and Care

Energy and Efficiency

Food and Nutrition

Industry and Materials