Durability and fatigue

Our fatigue resistance testing laboratory meets the areas below:

Design and analysis

We analyze the requirements and standards of tests and elaborate design criteria and specifications according to the customer’s needs.

Data acquisition

In addition to developing, designing and building test structures, we also conduct tests with data acquisition and signal evaluation.

Evaluation of test data and validation of models

Our laboratory can evaluate data acquisition results according to standard methods, methods specified by the customer or according to numerical models for validation.

The SCiTec laboratory specializes in fatigue tests by stress control or strain at low and high frequencies, crack propagation, fracture tenacity of structures, components and materials.

The laboratory also offers testing on non-metallic composite materials for the automotive, power generation, oil & gas, naval, offshore structures and aerospace industries.

Fatigue tests (high cycle or low cycle) are performed using servo hydraulic machines.

Tests can be performed through force control, deformation control or displacement control.

The laboratory also performs tests for fracture mechanics using different geometries (K1C, J1C, JC, Curve R and crack propagation).

Types of tests:

Fatigue tests according to ISO, ABNT and ASTM standards;

  • Fatigue test (N-σ or Wöhler curve);
  • Statistical methods;
  • Tests for fracture mechanics;
  • Thermomechanical fatigue;
  • Fatigue tests with temperature and climate control.

Materials and products tests solutions

Laboratory accredited by Inmetro’s Cgcre

Mobility and Transportation

Health and Care

Energy and Efficiency

Food and Nutrition

Industry and Materials