Custom tests

Customizing means customizing, adapting something to someone’s specific need. The expression originates in custom English, which means “custom made”, “custom-made”. SCiTec’s material and product testing solutions include customized testing, i.e. tests tailored to customer needs.

What are the advantages of conducting individual tests?

In addition to adapting the tests to the specificities of the product, reality and/or market in which it will be inserted, the customized tests are even more correct than the standardized ones, in some situations, as they guarantee the acquisition of exclusive data and the individual or combined application of variables to the samples to validate their performance.

How are custom trials created?

The SCiTec testing laboratory has modular equipment that allows testing on individual components or complex assemblies, under the most varied conditions.

In addition, the team consists of masters and doctors in mechanical and mechatronics engineering, with emphasis on analysis and mechanical design, biomechanics, control and metrology. The collaborators have experience in different areas of engineering, ranging from the elaboration of mathematical models, through numerical and experimental evaluation of systems performance, to the development of equipment for testing, experimental analysis and validation of methods.

Why choose SCiTec to perform your custom trials

A pioneer in the area of testing and structural analysis, SCiTec has a multidisciplinary team that has been working for more than 20 years in the segment, as well as complete infrastructure for failure analysis and static tests and uniaxial fatigue, multiaxial and controlled environment (aqueous, corrosive and high and low temperatures).

The laboratory also conducts tests to characterize:

  • Materials;
  • Dimensional and surface finishing tests;
  • Electrical tests;
  • Electromagnetic compatibility;
  • Protective grade tests;
  • Accelerated aging;
  • Flammability;
  • Vibration and acoustics;
  • Chemical tests;
  • Tests for approval of vehicles and their components.

Materials and products tests solutions

Laboratory accredited by Inmetro’s Cgcre

Mobility and Transportation

Health and Care

Energy and Efficiency

Food and Nutrition

Industry and Materials