Energy and efficiency

Development, certification and evaluation of the production performance of the energy sector, such as tests on materials and components of wind generators and cables, pipes and transportation systems of oil and gas products, solar water heating systems and photovoltaic systems.

Oil and gas companies

SCiTec conducts mechanical tests for companies in the fields of exploration, production, refining and transportation of petroleum products. We work in the phases of development, maintenance and identification of problems in the field.

Marine and offshore

The Scitec laboratory understands the challenges that the marine and offshore industries are currently facing. The laboratory offers services focused on materials characterization, security devices and components testing, through tests with force, torque, displacement and angle control, tests with temperature control and vibration. We are able to assist in the development stages and testing components, subsystems and systems.


Tests for certification and development of systems aimed at solar energy training.

Materials and products tests solutions

Laboratory accredited by Inmetro’s Cgcre

Mobility and Transportation

Health and Care

Energy and Efficiency

Food and Nutrition

Industry and Materials